Sunday, April 29, 2018


From ancient times, people enjoyed playing games. There are different types of games and such players have their favorites. Whether it's online or offline, the fun gained from games can not be overemphasized. 
Furthermore, as in any business or venture, the need to trust owners or developers is significant. 
A study has shown that most players who do gambling in casinos, always trust their trust, those who become online games are not abandoned. 
To ensure that iGaming sanity is restored, projects like nothing else, unique in all branches aim to make it happen. No projects other than TRUEGAME.
Truegame is a platform built by great minds with the goal of ensuring transparency that brings trust and reliability to the iGaming industry with the help of blockchain technology. 
Blockchain technology is essential for this project because of its outstanding features such as; 
A. Decentralized databases: which ensure data is not manipulated, 
b. Smart contract: which ensures real-time transactions are automatically done, and as quickly as possible, etc. 
Blockchain technology has made headlines in every project that is implemented, so by building Truegame platforms on blockchain technology, users will be confident of their trust and reliability that lead to the growth of the platform.
The Truegame platform is up and running with new games ready for play and due to its flexible nature and mobility, allowing for the addition of new games without having to shut down or disrupt the entire system. 
Multiple Platform Benefits Included;
  1. Privacy is assured.
  2. Instant withdrawal.
  3. Given fairly, with the help of blockchain technology.
  4. A fair chance to play and draw a prize can not be achieved with the help of blockchain technology.
  5. Platforms are running and running with members already playing games and developers implementing new features.
  6. Truegame aims for all unauthorized players, Lottery players, etc.
  7. All transparent games and their algorithms can be checked at GitHub.
  8. The market is ripe for expansion because all complex implementations have been done.
How Truegame Platform Works:
A project is called great when solving unique and urgent needs and thus, Truegame is not an exception. Truegame is indeed a unique project because of the solutions offered to current problems in the iGaming industry.
CASE 1. 
Problem: Casinos do not have the zeal to trust managers due to the fact that players do not have the opportunity to check the integrity of random numbers generated by casino managers. 
Solution: It is a well known fact that the selection of random numbers is not transparent when performed by humans. Truegame aims to resolve this with blockchain technology and smart contracts, which generate random numbers as well as distribute winnings. For transparency, the algorithm behind this is available in GitHub.
CASE 2. 
Problem: Most of the iGaming industry find it difficult to impress their users due to the lack of website transparency, that is, users find it difficult to know the number of players for that particular game and how the win is done, etc. 
Solution: With the help of blockchain technology, victory etc. can be checked by anyone (via eterscan), it can not be deleted or manipulated, thus ensuring transparency and ensuring trust among the players.
CASE 3. 
Problem: The players can not trust the promised gift because there is no way to check the capacity of the management fund. 
Solution: Truegame keyword is transparency, therefore with the help of smart contract, anyone can see the announced gift, so know the capacity of Truegame, if really they will give or not.
CASE 4. 
Problem: The centralized database is always vulnerable to Cyber ​​intrusion, no matter what size. When a site is compromised, the hacker will have full control over the website. 
Solution: One of the outstanding features of blockchain technology is its decentralized nature, thus making Truegame a Decentralized app known as DApp. This means that if the site is compromised, the hacker does not have access to winnings, jackpots etc., because all information is managed by smart contracts in a decentralized environment.
Truegame Token, TGAME is an ERC20 token created in Ethereum blockchain so as to take advantage of the desired features associated with it. To be at the top, Truegame developers build new features (can be blockchain etc.) to deliver the best results and reduce transaction costs. 
TGAME is a utility token with a total supply of 300,000,000 without creating another token in the future. 
TGAME is used as fuel to drive Truegame platform. All draws are done with TGAME through which players are credited. 
When playing, a victory is accumulated in a TGAME token, stored on a separate Ethereum account controlled by a smart contract, after winning the equivalent of being counted and sent to the player.
Truegame is now a fully functional iGaming platform, its flexible platform enables the implementation and addition of new games every month, connecting with other independent services without interrupting the platform. 
Benefits for Players;
  1. Interesting games for players.
  2. Security is assured.
  3. All players are given the same chance. 
    Some Platform Games;
  4. Attractive Gifts: For gamers who bet immense to win prizes.
  5. Scratchcards: Advanced version of instant lottery.
  6. Lottery Blockchain. 
    More savvy contract-based games are being developed such as Giftbox games, Smart Roulette, etc.
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author: wily27

bitcointalk profile :;u=1816724

ETH: 0x31F5A81e9a6C8295423bDBDCC572a48c247BaE2F

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about a really strong project
DAOstack is an operating system for a new form of organization:
DAO. Decentralized autonomous organizations captured the imagination of the best minds in the blockchain space, but despite the promise they remained an abstract idea. One of the key points of the failure is the lack of a solid framework for decentralized block chain management. Based on the DAO stack, Arc is an open, universal structure of intelligent contracts for decentralized management and collective value management over a blockchain block. Just as HTTP allows you to create and interact with websites and web applications, DAOstack allows you to create and interact with online companies, collaborative applications and DAO, as well as to customize their interests. The result is a new network of open cooperation in which collectives can self-organize around common goals and values, beyond pure economic growth.
DAOstack is the operating system for DAO. Thanks to DAOstack, thousands of open source developers can jointly 
produce decentralized applications (DApps), while at the same time disseminating individual property rights to the co-author of value. Crowds curators can jointly own and manage multi-valued ranking systems to compete against Yelp, TripAdvisor or YouTube. Autonomous networks can carry out collective investments or an insurance fund. We believe that DAO will radically change the way people organize themselves, from startups to corporations, non-profit organizations and even nation-states. DAOstack develops the basic elements needed to enable this transition to the future of work.
DAO is a public source tool. They are now possible thanks to the development of ETH. ETH is an open block chain that acts as a decentralized digital tool to implement P2P agreements. As noted earlier, DAO is a company managed by law and encoded in an intelligent contract and operating in a block chain. There are many methods. DAO operates on the basis of a transactional token, consensus, proposals, contracts, autonomous voting.
What is the DAOstack platform? 
Simply put, DAO Stack is a completely new, functioning structure that can be used to manage DAO. Although the use of this system, public creators of sources from around the world can work together on a wide range of applications D (while also spreading personal property of the subject among participants with a value).
In addition, the entire DAO Stack can also be used by crowd curators to work together and maintain ranking systems, which can then be used for advisory and travel documents, etc. 
The future of the organization 
The ability to organize and organize a large number of people (and drivers) of the society that it has undergone constant evolution for thousands of years. In this chapter, we will describe the challenges facing today's organization and the new possible form of online organization: DAO.
Older organizations
The cooperation of agents increases their effectiveness in relation to external competitive market forces. This is the basic origin of the company. However, the coordination of a large number of agents is difficult and expensive, which is why organizations can not grow indefinitely. When they grow, organizations need a more rigid structure and thus face a growing challenge to: a) maintain efficiency in the context of rapidly changing conditions and b) maintain the coherence of interests, trust and commitment among its members. In short, the bigger the organization, the more internal friction it has to deal with; the smaller it is, the more the external competition prevails. Actual company size. Every once in a while, the introduction of new technology or paradigm shift helps reduce the efficiency of the organization.
The Internet is allowed to exchange information in real time, real-time and peer-to-peer on a global scale. As a result, online media has become more efficient than traditional media and has been quickly absorbed by the latter. However, the Internet itself does not support open, partner exchange of values ​​and coordination of general goals.

The Blockchain 
Blockchain is the second Internet revolution that works for the Internet. It allows an unprecedented level of crowd coordination by completely eliminating 
guilt and trust issues and various forms of technological foundations of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). DAO is a new form of scalable, self-signed collaboration supported by intelligent blockchain contracts. Many people think that DAO have a promise about the future of business and work, but despite the huge drive in the blockchain, DAO is still missing. 
The DAO components are intelligent companies or agencies (we will use these terms interchangeably). The agency is an atomic management unit, managed and operated by intelligent blockchain contracts. It has its own token, its own reputation systems, its own management system ("regulations" encoded in smart contracts).
Agency management. A simple example is a management system based on proposals, with yes / no general vote, 
approval and performance (which is one of the activities in smart companies). Proposals may, for example, concern the division of a token, and votes may be weighted by the voter's reputation. We'll give some other examples in the next chapter. In heuristic visualization it may look like this:
Use cases and applications 
One of the basic D applications to run in DAO Stack is Alchemy, a shared application and a decentralized budgeting system for open source plans, whose demo by CEO DAO Stack's Matan Field can be found here. The holo network also introduced an initial coin offer (Holo), which aims to use distributed agent-focused technology. This will create situations for the communication system in which communities and networks will be encouraged.
The holographic consensus of 
holographic consensus or subjective inter is available on the basis of localized teams (eg intelligent agencies, subcultures, etc.) that allow some subgroups within their association to make decisions in specific situations. For example, they may be delegating below defined limits analogous to the code for calculations outside the chain in guaranteeing the truthfulness of information, eg as in zkSNARK and ID card identification in the case of an oracle. This access enables the exponential route of a huge fractal form of federal management. The database of DAO lines to other DAOs, from the universal version to the specific one, and in the place of central management is simple or irregular coordination between agents.
DAO Stack Genesis DAO launches the ETH main network to enable large-scale collaboration by initiating the allocation of GEN tokens to builders and novice users. This will be completed by continuously creating excellent scalable self-organizing networks through the holographic agreement management protocols.
The basics of the thriving DAO ecosystem
DAOstack works on GEN 
GEN is a native DAOstack token. Basic operations in the DAOstack ecosystem - such as promoting proposals - will require the issuance or possession of a GEN. GEN will be distributed among payers of value through the DAOstack structure itself, encouraging development, promotion and adoption
Details of the GEN token: 
• GEN token is for this DAO STACK system, basic operations on the platform will require processing of the GEN token. 
• Symbol: GEN 
• Chip type: ERC: 20 
• Total token: 100 M 
• ICO Tokens: 40 M 
• Hard limit: 30 M USD, USD fixed, remaining tokens destroyed 
• Token sharing: 40 percent 
• ICO: 40 percentage 
• Reserve token: 10 percent 
• Team: 10 percent 
• Business development: 1% 
• Price one token: 0.75 USD 
• GEN / ETH is TBD based on the cost of the site 
• MVP: yes 
• GITHUB and MAINNET are introducing over the next few weeks
• Crowd sales bonuses, Advance sale: 0 to 30 percent 
• Strategic bonus with a two-year closing 
time Distribution of token time 
• After sales end in May
GEN Distribution
For more information, please visit: 
Official website:
Bitcointalk ANN:
Whitepaper: White-Paper-en.pdf

Author: wily27

ETH : 0x31F5A81e9a6C8295423bDBDCC572a48c247BaE2F

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk merakit bounty
Merculet menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk mengubah hubungan antara konsumen, produsen, dan investor.
Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk memonetisasi perhatian mereka.  Sementara itu, ini juga membantu mengembangkan ekonomi dan ekonomi bagi mereka yang bernilai dolar.
Merculet telah membangun Jaringan Nilai Perhatian (token: MVP) untuk membual kedua sisi penawaran dan permintaan.
Ini terdiri dari tiga komponen: Sistem pelaporan UAV (Nilai Perhatian Pengguna), Token Perhatian Pengguna (UAT) sebagai landasan sistem insentif dan Platform Konten Terbuka untuk memecahkan masalah.
Penciptaan Merculet menggunakan teknologi blockchain, yang mengeluarkan informasi.  Merculets menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk mengubah hubungan antara konsumen, produsen, dan investor.  Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk memonetisasi perhatian mereka.  Sementara itu, juga membantu mengembangkan ekonomi dengan ekonomi yang kaya dan redistribusi ekonomi miskin triliunan triliun dolar.
Merculetiptakan Evaluasi Sistem Perhatian Pengguna (UAV) untuk mengukur perhatian pengguna.  Seorang pengusaha hanya dapat mengakses sistem UAV, yang dapat berintegrasi secara mulus dengan sistem poin reward tradisional, melunasi protokol terbuka.  Merculet memberikan solusi untuk membantu pengusaha UAT (Token Perhatian Pengguna), yang merupakan token yang ditunjuk untuk masing-masing pengusaha.  UAT akan menjadi retainer token MVP dasar dengan tingkat yang berbeda, memungkinkan sinergi dan pertukaran nilai antara pengusaha.
Merculet telah membangun platform konten terbuka yang didasarkan pada konsensus dan didorong oleh Token, yang mempromosikan siklus konten global yang positif sebagai peserta.  Secara teknis, Merculet menggunakan arsitektur multi-tier untuk menyeimbangkan kinerja pengguna Internet massal, jumlah besar negara dan kinerja umum yang mendasarinya.
Merculet telah membangun Network of Attention Values ​​(token: MVP).  Ini adalah solusi lengkap dan permintaan yang menjadi informasi dari Internet of Value.
Ada tiga komponen inti:
Sistem Evaluasi Pengguna Nilai Perhatian (UAV) akan secara langsung mengukur nilai kepuasan pengguna.
UAT (Token Perhatian Pengguna), yang merupakan token yang ditunjuk untuk masing-masing pengusaha.  UAT akan menjadi hambatan MVP dasar, memungkinkan sinergi dan pertukaran nilai antara pengusaha.
Platform Konten Terbuka akan dibangun berdasarkan konsensus dan didorong oleh token, sumber informasi, dan mendorong semua pengguna dalam ekosistem untuk menjadi yang aktif dari konten global sebagai peserta.
Merculet telah membentuk kemitraan dengan beberapa mitra yang dapat diandalkan untuk menjalankan bisnis, seperti Elex, dengan fokus pada tahun di distribusi game di luar negeri;  Iklan Solo, dengan tahun lalu lintas operasi luar negeri, komersialisasi iklan dengan matriks produk yang dikembangkan dengan baik;  MagicWindow, dengan pengalaman tahunan
menyediakan layanan distribusi konten cerdas kepada wirausahawan.
Informasi Lebih Lanjut Kunjungi The Merculet Link:
Situs web:

By : wily27;u=1816724